We are thrilled to announce that we have been nominated by the San Leandro Chamber of Commerce in the category "Resiliency Above All" for their 2021 Business Awards Celebration.
Mr. Plastics is a proud member of the Chamber of Commerce and is humbled to be in this category. This past year was certainly a trying time and we were challenged in understanding where we fit in during the pandemic. Fortunately, we jumped into action to meet the plastic needs of essential businesses. We made face shields, sneeze guards, partitions, and more so that businesses could operate safely. Having been in business for 35 years, we haven't lost sight of our small business roots. We work with large corporations, small businesses, entrepreneurs and more. Being able to service the community of San Leandro, the greater Bay Area and more is such a pleasure. You can tune into the virtual awards and root us on in our category!
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